Hard Limits

Hard limits can be configured by connecting limit switches to the Thrifty Nova. Call the enableHardLimits method to enable limit switch hard limits.


Enable the hard limits.


Disable the hard limits.


API Details

Enable / disable hard limits.

enableHardLimits(boolean enable)


  • enable If hard limits should be enabled.

Hard limits work through physical switches or sensors connected to your motor controller's 10-pin connector. When you hit the switch or trigger the Hall effect sensor at the end of your mechanism's travel, it immediately cuts power to the motor to prevent damage. Think of these as your last line of defense - they're your fail-safe that physically prevents the motor from pushing past its mechanical limits even if your code or soft limits somehow fail. You'll typically wire normally-closed limit switches or Hall effect sensors to these pins, so if a wire gets disconnected, the motor will safely stop instead of potentially running past its limits. These are especially important on mechanisms like elevators or arms where running past the end of travel could cause serious damage.

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