Getting Started
To get started using the Thrifty Nova you must use the ThriftyLib.
ThriftyLib only has support for Java at this time. Support for C++ and Python are coming soon.
API Install
To install the ThriftyLib beta, please paste the following link into the WPILIB VSCode:
Basic Device Usage
Before we break it down, here is a template to demonstrate simple ThriftyNova API usage.
Lets break that down...
Each Thrifty Nova is represented by an object. You must create a ThriftyNova instance variable in your subsystem to hold this object.
To actually instantiate the motor we call the ThrifyNova constructor. The constructor takes the CAN ID of the motor as a parameter.
In order to command the motor we use various setters. To set the output percentage of the motor we use the setPercent method. The method takes an argument from -1.0, full reverse, to 1.0, full forward, where 0 is idle.
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