The board allows for bursts of 150W, but it is recommended the user draw no more than 100W (current times voltage), with a 10A limit on the 5V rail (50W). In testing, 3 Orange Pis being run in headless mode was enough to fill the 5V rail.
Here is a link to a Load Calculator that calculates the current draw of some common FRC peripherals, with LEDs, Orange Pis, and Limelights. The link is also in the menu bar, and instructions on how to use it are here.
The 5V rail is shown below, and is able to be accessed by the USB connectors (not switchable on/off) and the WAGO ports (switchable):
The boost rail (configurable 15-24V) is only accessible on the lower two WAGO ports.
- is on bottom, as seen below and per the silk text.
The MitoCANdria's boost rail (configurable 15-24V) features intelligent overvoltage protection. If the rail exceeds its set voltage by 1V, it immediately shuts off. This protection is crucial for defending expensive components like Vision Processors.
For example, if you've configured the boost rail to 15V and a spike pushes it to 16V, the rail automatically disables. This rapid response time protects your investment in sensitive electronics and helps prevent costly replacements.
VS Code
To add a vendor library that has been installed by an offline installer, press Ctrl+Shift+P and type WPILib or click on the WPILib icon in the top right to open the WPILib Command Palette and begin typing Manage Vendor Libraries, then select it from the menu. Select the option to Install new libraries (offline).
Select the desired libraries to add to the project by checking the box next to each, then click OK. The JSON file will be copied to the vendordeps
folder in the project, adding the library as a dependency to the project.
In order to install a vendor library in online mode, press Ctrl+Shift+P and type WPILib or click on the WPILib icon in the top right to open the WPILib Command Palette and begin typing Manage Vendor Libraries and select it in the menu, and then click on Install new libraries (online) instead and copy + paste the vendor JSON URL.
Checking for Updates (Offline)
Since dependencies are version managed on a per-project basis, even when installed offline, you will need to Manage Vendor Libraries and select Check for updates (offline) for each project you wish to update.
Checking for Updates (Online)
Part of the JSON file that vendors may optionally populate is an online update location. If a library has an appropriate location specified, running Check for updates (online) will check if a newer version of the library is available from the remote location.
This documentation explains how to use the MitoCANdria Java API to control and monitor your MitoCANdria device. The example demonstrates basic channel operations including reading current/voltage, enabling/disabling channels, and setting voltage levels.
The MitoCANdria class implements AutoCloseable
, allowing use of try-with-resources for automatic resource cleanup. The constructor parameter (1) represents the device ID.
The API provides several predefined channels:
: USB Port 1
: USB Port 2
: 5V Rail A
: 5V Rail B
: Adjustable Voltage Channel
Uses getChannelCurrent()
to read current draw from a channel
Returns an Optional
containing the current in amperes
Uses ifPresentOrElse()
for handling both successful and failed readings
Uses getChannelVoltage()
to read voltage from a channel
Returns an Optional
containing the voltage in volts
Uses ifPresentOrElse()
for error handling
Uses setChannelEnabled()
to control channel state
Parameters: channel constant, boolean enable state (true = enabled)
Uses setChannelVoltage()
to set voltage on adjustable channels
Second parameter is desired voltage in volts
Uses getChannelVoltageSetpoint()
to read the configured voltage
Useful for verifying voltage settings on adjustable channels
Uses getChannelEnabled()
to check if a channel is active
Returns 1 for enabled, 0 for disabled
The example uses a try-catch block to handle potential exceptions:
For additional assistance or questions about the MitoCANdria Java API, please contact:
Email: contact@thethriftybot.com
Red (solid) - In Bootloader
Red + Yellow (flashing) - Bootloader Initialised
Red + Purple (flashing) - Detecting CAN bitrate
Green (solid) - Firmware ready, CAN initialised
Green + Purple (flashing) - Firmware ready, CAN awaiting bitrate detection (CAN bus disconnected)
Use Cases:
Power Distribution for Vision Processing Systems
Clean Power Supply for Sensitive Electronics
High-Current 5V Rail Distribution
Configurable Voltage Boost for Custom Requirements
USB Device Power Management
Key Features:
Dual-stage power distribution scheme with dual phase boost stage and buck stage for maximum efficiency
Input voltage range 3V – 24V
Over 10A capability on 5V rail
Configurable boost rail (14.5V-24V)
USB configuration interface
Built-in reverse polarity protection
Regulated, clean voltage output
Easy-access Wago terminal blocks
Locking USB cable support
FRC CAN integration
The MitoCANdria lives up to its name as the powerhouse of your robot, providing reliable and clean power distribution where it matters most. Its innovative dual-phase design efficiently converts input voltage to both a robust 5V rail and a configurable boost rail. The system excels at powering sensitive electronics like vision processors that require dependable voltage regulation. With built-in reverse polarity protection and USB configurability, setup is both safe and user-friendly. The convenient Wago terminal blocks for both the boost rail (14.5-24V) and 5V rail make power distribution both accessible and secure. Whether you're powering vision systems, sensors, or other critical electronics, the MitoCANdria delivers the clean, reliable power your robot needs.
Do not plug into other USBs to config, only the one marked “DATA” - note this will not damage the product, it just will not be configurable
Connect via configuration USB-C port
Use configuration app for settings
Recommended for most use cases
Runs CAN server on roboRIO
Note: Cannot run simultaneously with robot code
Alternative configuration method when USB is inaccessible
Toggle switchable 5V WAGO rails
Adjust boost rail voltage (15-24V range)
Monitor current draw and power consumption
Update firmware via USB or CAN bootloader
Connect via preferred method (USB-C or CAN)
Launch configuration app
Adjust rail settings as needed
When initially booting GrappleHook, the MitoCANdria will present itself as a "Grapple USB Device" if over USB or through the RoboRIO if connecting over CAN. Click the appropriate option for your use case.
Once selected, you will be prompted to connect.
Once connected, you will be able to see live current as well as be able to enable and disable the 5V rails. You will also be able to adjust the boost rail to meet your needs.
You will also be able to use the GrappleHook app to handle firmware updates.
Coming soon.
Here is a link to the OnShape file.
The MitoCANdria has convenient tapped holes for grid tube mounting, as well as zip tie mounts if you want to mount it with a ziptie.
The MitoCANdria Load Calculator is a tool designed to help FRC teams calculate their power requirements across both the 5V rail and Boost rail. The system has a combined continuous rating of 150W that is shared between both rails.
Enter the quantity of each component your robot uses that draws power from the 5V rail:
LED Count: Number of LEDs being powered
Orange Pi Count: Number of Orange Pi boards
Limelight Count: Number of Limelight vision systems
Other Sensor Count: Enter the number of additional sensors
This includes TTB sensors and other FRC Electrical products
For simplicity, this uses a standard power estimation
Enter your boost rail requirements:
Voltage: Your required boost voltage
Amperage: Current draw needed
Wattage: This will be automatically calculated
The calculator will automatically:
Calculate the total power requirements for the 5V rail
Show boost rail power consumption
Determine the required number of MitoCANdrias based on your power needs
Combined Power Rating: Both the 5V and Boost rails share a 100W continuous power rating
Power Distribution: When planning your power needs, ensure that the combined wattage from both rails doesn't exceed 100W per MitoCANdria
Automatic Scaling: The calculator will automatically determine how many MitoCANdrias you need based on your power requirements
Always round up when estimating component counts
Consider future additions to your robot when planning power requirements
Monitor both rails' power consumption to stay within the 150W continuous rating
These are automatically calculated - do not modify
Includes the MitoCANdria count, which is determined based on your power needs
These are input fields that you need to fill in
Only enter numbers in these cells to ensure accurate calculations
If your calculated values seem incorrect:
Verify all white cells contain accurate numbers
Ensure you haven't modified any green (calculated) cells
Check that your boost rail requirements are properly entered
Verify that the combined power draw across both rails makes sense for your application
For additional assistance or questions about the MitoCANdria Load Calculator, please contact:
Email: contact@thethriftybot.com