Use Cases:
Rangefinding and Obstacle Avoidance
Gamepiece / Object Presence and Range Detection
Absolute Elevator Height Detection
Contactless Limit Switch
Input voltage range 4.5V – 16V
FRC CAN Ready!
0-4000mm range (in IR-darkness)
Small (25x25mm, < 1inx1in) form-factor
Adjustable Region of Interest (RoI) and Field of View (FoV)
Configurable from robot code and/or from GrappleHook
Ambient light measurement
Adjustable 10-50Hz sample rate
The LaserCAN uses the VL53L1X Class-1 940nm laser ranging sensor, and exposes configuration of the 16×16 SPAD array, allowing you to target your region of interest (ROI) to suit your needs. Use a small ROI for detecting the height of your elevator, or a wide ROI for detecting gamepieces. Adjust your ranging mode (short vs long) to tune distance vs ambient light rejection, and adjust your timing budget to tune accuracy vs measurement frequency.